Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Return to Africa

Some years back, I went on safari in Africa, mainly to Kenya but also to Botswana and Zambia.  While there, I amassed many memories, a number of stories and about 5,000 photos.  I've longed to share these ever since.  Finally, with the ability to publish eBooks, I've decided to convert my work into publishable form.

A newborn elephant begins walking only hours after birth, keeping pace with the herd, which must move on to new feeding sites.

The text is written, pending some edits.  I'm now in the process of selecting the photos that will accompany it, after which I'll edit them for final publication.  Then will come the challenge of laying out the final publication using Adobe InDesign.  This software holds great promise, but I am not yet fully conversant with all its features so there is on-the-job learning to complete.

My target for publication is April 1.  When it's been released, it will be available on my web site at